SPPCP's Past Advocacy Efforts

November 29, 2022 - Letter to Congressional leadership in support of the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment Act (H.R. 1384 / S. 445)

November 29, 2022 - Letter to Congressional leadership requesting inclusion of PCHETA in EOY Legislative Package

September 12, 2022 - Letter to the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Ways and Means Committee regarding Hospice Telehealth

August 31, 2022 - Letter to the Senate in support of the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment Act (H.R.1384 / S. 445)

April 11, 2022 - SPPCP letter to the CDC on the Proposed Guideline on Prescribing Opioids

February 3, 2022 - SPPCP letter in support of the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment Act of 2021 (H.R.1384)

April 5, 2019 - SPPCP response to HHS-OS-2018-0027 Draft Report on Pain Management Best Practices: Updates, Gaps, Inconsistencies, and Recommendations

March 3, 2019 - SPPCP response to FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb regarding OTC naloxone

March 2, 2018 - SPPCP response to Docket CMS-2017-0613

 August 25, 2017 - SPPCP response to the President's Commision on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis interim report

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